26 November 2015 – Richmond

Run nr 1575 – Duke’s Head, 42 The Vineyard, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6AZ

The Deer Cull Run

Hare: Dingo & All Fours

P-trail from Richmond Station (National Rail, Overground & District line)

9 thoughts on “26 November 2015 – Richmond

  1. Rambo

    Well will it be a prompt start, or is the ‘cull run’ bit just a wind up? Cull started today – 2 Nov – and lasts at least four weeks – after the 26th. Park gates locked at 8!

  2. PF

    I would have thought that, with a Hash name like Rambo, you would not be bothered by a few bullets whistling past your ears.

  3. Rambo

    Just being considerate, there are walkers in the pack you know. To help I’ll be handing out glow sticks so hashers can be seen, or possible so there is something to aim at.

  4. Rambo

    Sorry, one more thing to note. It’s the females that get culled in November, males have to wait until February. So I guess we’re safe for now 🙂

  5. Dingo

    well I guess depends on what you are wearing who is safe and who isn’t??

  6. PF

    So the one who bears the closest resemblance to a female deer gets it, hence the expression “the devil takes the hind most”.

  7. Mad Cow

    I will be expecting smoked venison canapés, please do not try to pass off kangaroo as venison. Pope can front run to shield the pack from any stray bullets that have eluded the deer. Are there any other species or persons we could get the park rangers to cull whilst we are in the vicinity?

  8. Dingo

    I have a few ideas to draw attention to some hashers we have been trying to get rid of for years…

  9. Rambo

    Almost sorry I realise I can’t be there. Busy at a works piss up – Times Higher Education Awards (http://www.the-awards.co.uk/the2015/sponsors) – some ones “Outstanding International Student Strategy” award as sponsored by “Password English Language Testing”. Hope the VIP champagne is nice & cold ….

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