Run Maps and Write Ups

Run 1992, Mortlake, 6th June 2024

Pub: The Ship
Hare: Martini Slut

6th June D-Day re-enactment – liberation of Surrey by loyalist Middlesex hashers
What a cunning plan! Even the troops (hashers) did not know their final destination and were fearing a 12km forced march via the notoriusly deadly Hammersmith Bridge. But General Martini Slut had a trick up his sleeve. As we entered Hammersmith we were greeted by the site of a (very) small armada of craft waiting to whisk us on our way to the final assault on the heavily defended Surrey shore. In preparation for this daring raid, the General had thoughtfully provided his troops with copious refreshments in the form of beer and a variety of Martini based cocktails. Suitably fortified, we embarked on our assigned craft and, in spite of some electrical issues, most of us made it to the far shore, where, it has to be said, resistance was somewhat less than we had been expecting. Suffering nothing more serious than a few wet feet and a strained back (the General) we all made it back to liberate the Ship (of its beer stocks). Mission accomplished, and all hashers accounted for (we believe).
Let the photo album speak for itself as a record of the gallantry displayed by all on this memorable evening.