Hare – Dunny Penny
Registration is required for all participants in West London runs during the current pandemic. If you plan to come on this run please register ASAP by using This Link.
The trail will start from Teddington Lock, near The Anglers pub, Map Link and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from Teddington station to guide you to the start point. Start on trail any time after 18.30 hours, the faster you run the later you should start. The trail will be 9 km long with shortcuts. Duration: 50 – 60 mins for runners and about the same for SCBs. There will be a drink stop on trail which will be open from 19:20 hours. The Hare has booked a large number of tables for us in the garden of the Anglers from 20:00 hours, this will be about 5 mins walk from the drink drink stop. Entry to the pub will be via top secret password to be revealed in confidence at the drink stop.
Tips from the Hare: The trail uses a small area, and is will be very tightly marked to take us through some great terrain. There will be few checks to keep you on the best bits of the area. FOLLOW THE TRAIL MARKINGS – especially important in the first 5km / 30 minutes, if you try to be clever and/or use local knowledge to jump across to runners you see in the distance you will not only miss out on some lovely territory but could end up getting very confused and running round in ever decreasing circle until you disappear up your own bum.
The drink stop is not the main event, please support our local hospitality industry by attending the pub after the run. The Hare may need to adjust our booking according to how many register, so please register ASAP using the above link, we have re-introduced the field on the registration form to indicate whether or not you plan to come to the pub after the run, please use this.
The Hare will be available on the WLH3 runners on trail Whatsapp group from 18:30 to 20:30 to help out the challenged.