Previous runs

Run 1967 Thursday 14 December 2023 – Oxford Circus

Hare – Pope

This week’s run will be from The Stag’s Head, New Cavendish Street, W1W 6XW Map Link. The nearest station is Oxford Circus and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from its Northern Exit to help you find this pub. The footfall around the station is likely to be very heavy at this time of year so it might be best to use the Map Link link to get you started in the right direction, if you are unfamiliar with the area. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provide an unsecured storage area for our bags. This will be Pope’s annual Christmas lights and Christmas presents run and after the run the jolly fat man will be shaking his sack and inviting all the boys and girls to have a fumble round it. To participate in the lucky dip you should bring a wrapped Christmas present to the value of around £6 and you will receive one in return.

Run 1966, 7 December 2023 – Clapham

Hare – Crap Nav

This week’s run will be from The Bread and Roses, 68 Clapham Manor Street, SW4 6DZ Map Link. This is a vibrant, independent pub in the heart of Clapham (according to its website). The nearest stations are Clapham Common (Northern Line) and Clapham High Street (overground, with connections to Clapham Junction).

There won’t be a p-trail, as the pub is easy to find, and in any case the high footfall around Clapham Common station means it would probably get quickly obliterated. (We hope that the trail arrows won’t suffer a similar fate!)

The pub already has a function booked for the back room, but we can use the front area and the stage. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and bags can be left on the stage itself, but this is not secure. If anyone wants to sit out the run, perhaps they can volunteer to keep an eye on the bags.

There won’t be a drink stop – too cold! – but the hare says there are plenty of pubs en route ‘if people need a boost’!

Run 1965, 30 November 2023 – Barnes Bridge

Hare – Rollback

This week’s run will be from the Coach and Horses, 27 Barnes High St, London SW13 9LW Map Link. The nearest station is Barnes Bridge and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours. The pub’s function room is in use that evening but we hope to get bags storage elsewhere in the pub, possibly unsecured. There will be a drink stop so bring your collapsible cups and also a torch.

Run 1964, 23 November 2023 – Teddington

Hare – Contour

This week’s run will be from The Adelaide, 57 Park Rd, Teddington TW11 0AU  Map Link. The nearest station is Teddington and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows to guide you the short distance from there to this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and we should be able to leave our bags in an unsecured section of the bar, but hopefully we will find a bag minder. Bring a torch.

Run 1963, 16 November 2023 – Warwick Avenue

Hare – Man Magnet

This week’s run will be from The Warwick Castle,  6 Warwick Pl, London W9 2PX  Map Link. The nearest station is Warwick Avenue Tube and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub, exit the Tube Station left to Clifton Villas. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and we will be able to put our bags in their snug for its duration.

This will be a Beatles-themed run: their first album, Please Please Me, was released on 22 March 1963, you are invited to wear something appropriatte. Also there will be a drink stop, so bring a collapsible reusable cup if you have one.

Run 1962, 9 November 2023 – Putney Bridge

Hare – Beetroot

This week’s run will be from The Bricklayer’s Arms, 32 Waterman Street, SW15 1DD Map Link. The nearest station is Putney Bridge station, on the District Line and there will be a trail of P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and there will be an unsecured bag storage area at the pub.

There will be a drink stop if the weather allows, so bring a drinking vessel. And of course a torch is advisable, regardless of the weather.

Run 1961, 2 November 2023 – St Margarets

Hare – Call Girl

This week’s run will be from The Turk’s Head, 28 Winchester Road TW1 1LF Map Link . The nearest station is St Margarets and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provide a corner where we can our leave bags for its duration. This will not be secure and at your own risk, a volunteer to act as bag sitter would be appreciated. Storm Ciarán is forecast, so waterproofs or a change of clothing is recommended. The trail maybe shortened to around 4 miles if weather forecast is correct. No river crossings currently planned but might inadvertently happen. Torches advisable. Dress code to celebrate the dying of the light and the thinning of the veil between living and dead. Spooky or sparkly.

Run 1960, 26 October 2023 – Pimlico

Hare – Standard Deviant

This week’s run will be from The Grosvenor, Grosvenor road, Pimlico SW1V+3LA Map Link. The nearest station is Pimlico and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from the Bessborough Road exit of this station to help you find the pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provided unsecured storage for our bags for its duration.  

Run 1959, 19 October 2023 – Hanwell

Hare – Rambo

Our next run will be from the The Viaduct pub, 221 Uxbridge Road, Hanwell W7 3TD Map Link. The nearest station is Hanwell and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub, which is also accessible from Boston Manor Tube, but not P trailed from there. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and they will provided storage for our bags for its duration. The trail will be mostly off road so a torch is essential, and it may be muddy in place if it’s been raining. There may be a drink stop on trail.