Hare – Rambo
This run represents a departure from our usual modus operandi, but with Rambo as the Hare we can expect things to go a bit off-piste. It will be an A to B run, the start is the car park in the North East corner of Hounslow Heath, which is marked by the arrow on this map link, The post code is roughly TW4 5RA. The nearest tube station is Hounslow West (1.5km), but there will be no P trail from there. The run start time will be our usual 19.15 hours. So the start is not a pub, but for those who get there early and feel in need of shelter or refreshment before the run there are two pubs on the opposite side of the Staines road from the start point, the Hussar, an Indian pub, and the Honeycombe, which does real ale Map Link. The trail will be mostly off-road, with a river crossing and a bit of scrambling, so a torch and change of shoes and socks are suggested. Shortcuts won’t be marked but the name and location of the pub at B will be published around 20.00 hours on on the WLH3 runners WhatsApp group, and a hard copy map will be made available at the start for anyone not on the WhatsApp group, or who thinks they may get left behind or lost. If you think you might need a map please put this in the comments section of the run registration form, so that the Hare know how many to bring. Bring your phone and travelcard on the run. Bags will be transported from A to B. The pub at B is close to public transport links, including a means of returning to the start at A.
Pre-registration is encouraged for all those attending West London’s runs, if you are coming on this run please register by clicking on This Link.