Hare – Eagermount
This week’s run will be from The Green Pub, 172-174 Uxbridge Road W12 7JP Map Link. This pub is is a two minute walk from Shepherds Bush Market, on the Hammersmith and City and the Circle line, and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from that station to help you find the pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours.
The pub does not serve food, but we are welcome to order food in from elsewhere, or bring out own. There will be no drink stop on trail.
Update-The pub will provide an area for us to store our bags but this will be in the public area so a bag sitter will be required. If you are willing and able to forgo doing the trail and volunteer for this role please contact the Hare and/or use the comment button below.