Pub The Doric Arch
Hare Yam Gurning
This weeks run started off with the turn up of the usual suspects (Inspector!) and after find the pub and setting a new P trail from the map location..1/2mile way, we all managed to meet up.
The tiny running people all set off with high sprits from The Doric Arch, Cheesy Chips Arch with the Hare ‘ Yum Gurring’ setting his first trail for WLH.

We all started well and kept a re-group at the checks well to begin with until we all started to notice they we had turned into Gulliver’s travels and the tracks we where all where following were getting, smaller, Small, Smaller, and Smaller.. until only very very tiny little people could see the trail :p
The tiny checks could be seen ‘just’ and its was then followed by the tiny people setting off again with even higher tinier sprits.
Return to the Pub we found that we had indeed return to the a smaller world and the area was indeed small for all of us to fit into.

A good circle was had outside..
Down Downs for Pope, who retired from the Vatican
Down Down for City ex GM Heavy Pants
Down Down Race.
Down Down for Scaryoke & Blunder for Bromance..
Naming of a guy.. Just need to remember what! DOH!
On On
Scary Oaky