Setting a trail that takes in the Thames towpath, or one that includes Richmond Park are both worthy objectives. Trying to fit in both in the same hash whilst starting from Kew is perhaps a hash too far? Anyway, it was this task that was set for us by our hare for the evening, Hobo. One has to ask whether he has managed to successfully make the transition from imperial units to metric. He described the trail as quite long: ‘ about 8km’. In reality it was nearer to 8 miles (about 14 km), as attested to by those hardy hashers who stuck it out for the full distance. A large contingent of hashers decided to implement various short cuts so that they could get back to the pub the same evening. (see map for one such variation by your scribe).
Needless to say, the hare was duly reprimanded in the circle for setting a shitty trail, and awarded the appropriate down-down by our RA for the evening, KMA.