Run 1978, 29 February 2024 – Leap Year Hash, Trafalgar Square

Hares – Opee and Bonnie (for LYH)

This will be the leap year day run, brought to you by the joint efforts of West London Hash and the Leap Year Hash (yes, there is such an entity!).

The run will be from The Admiralty, 66 Trafalgar Sq, St. James’s, London WC2N 5DS Map Link. The nearest station is Charing Cross.

There will be a trail of chalk P arrows from this station to help you find the pub.

The run will start at 19.30 hours, slightly later than our usual time, and the pub will store our bags for its duration.

A WhatsApp group has been set up for this event to allow you to communicate with fellow LY hashers both before and during the r**.

8 thoughts on “Run 1978, 29 February 2024 – Leap Year Hash, Trafalgar Square

  1. New Balls

    No WhatsApp group yet, but we will be setting one up shortly, and advertising the link
    on the 3 London hash websites.

  2. New Balls

    T-shirts have been discussed but so far, nothing concrete coming out of LYH committee. Probably not happening this year.

  3. Murphy’s

    Wot NO T SHIRT !!!!
    This will be the 10th LYH3 (correct me if I’m wrong), so there should be a shirt – the Hash Museum needs one.

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