Hare for the evening was Stonker, who I understand is more commonly to be found on the Barnes Hash (which as we all know hashes everywhere around London except Barnes). In spite of this potential handicap, he laid a not-at-all-bad trail around the posh St Margarets area of Twickenham, taking in the renowned Tescos, and the less well known Twickenham rugby stadium, all whilst being within sniffing distance of the delightful Mogden Lane sewage works. Good marks to Stonker for perfect length (7.5 km), clear markings, and plenty of SCB short cuts.
Unencumbered by a drink stop the pack returned to St Margarets tavern to a surprisingly good selection of rugby themed beers. The pub also supplied copious amounts of free beer for the circle, with some left over for general quaffing afterwards, so thanks for that.
The circle was initially convened by RA Whacker, who had to cajole several reluctant hashers from the warmth of the tavern to the chilly outdoors of St Margarets. Our hare, Stonker, was congratulated on setting an OK trail, although of course, as with all WLH endeavours, it was deemed to be a ‘S-H-I-T-T-Y trail’. After dishing out the usual round of down-downs Whacker handed over to our new RA-in-training, Casting Slouch, who proceed to imprint her own style on managing the circle. I think we can all agree that she made a very good job of it, so hopefully we will see more of her at future hashes (so to speak).