Run 1961, 2 November 2023 – St Margarets

Hare – Call Girl

This week’s run will be from The Turk’s Head, 28 Winchester Road TW1 1LF Map Link . The nearest station is St Margarets and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provide a corner where we can our leave bags for its duration. This will not be secure and at your own risk, a volunteer to act as bag sitter would be appreciated. Storm Ciarán is forecast, so waterproofs or a change of clothing is recommended. The trail maybe shortened to around 4 miles if weather forecast is correct. No river crossings currently planned but might inadvertently happen. Torches advisable. Dress code to celebrate the dying of the light and the thinning of the veil between living and dead. Spooky or sparkly.

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