Pub: The Chancellors
Hare: Bhopal
Photo credits: Mop
Pub: The Chancellors
Hare: Bhopal
Photo credits: Mop
Pub: The Distortion Brewery Tap House
Hare: CrapNav
Pub: The Dukes Head
Hare: Casting Slouch
Photo credits: Airhead, Mop
Pub: The Princ eof Wales Townhouse
Hares: Hands On, New Balls Please
Pub: The Fox and Goose
Hare: K4
Pub: The Jolly Gardner
Hare: Miss Bean
Pub: The Buckingham Arms
Hare: Man Magnet
Pub: The Kings Head
Hare: Tango and Contour
Pub: The Royal Oak
Hare: Sir Humpalot
Pub: JJ Moons
Hare: Slippery Comer