Hare for the evening was Backdoor Boy, who set a fine trail around Mortlake, and ultimately on to Kew, where we were treated to a drink stop outside his pad next to the Kew Records Office. There was some concern before we set out about the potential length of the trail, bearing in mind that the hare’s previous efforts had resulted in a 10 mile run. Thankfully this trail was a perfect 7.5km, so no problems on that front.
With at least 3 virgins and the same number of visitors, KMA’s job as RA was quite a busy one. I forget what most of the charges related to other than Pope’s down down for excessive display of his lycra wrapped man-bulge. Luckily Dingo was on hand to cover the offending meat and two veg with a leopard skin thong, thus sparing the delicate sensibilities of the assembled harriettes.