Whilst we all know what a great bunch we are, it is worth reflecting on the perception of bar staff and locals on having their pub invaded by a lot of sweaty people in running gear and maintain good public relations by:-
-Not changing in public bar areas before or after runs (not even your T shirt!).
-Moderating our language with regard to who may be within earshot.
-Considerate use of toilets e.g. not keeping them engaged for excessive lengths of time while we change.
-Minimizing the amount of mud we bring back into the pub after off -road runs.
–When we return from the run the bar staff will be very busy, and this is may not be a good time to start demanding access to bags, so take the means of paying for your first drink with you on the run.
-Engaging with locals and being considerate of them.
-Not congregating where we are blocking the natural flow of the pub.
-Being courteous towards bar staff and exercise patience, even if we overwhelm them a bit at times. And remember to thank them at the end of the evening.
-Consider the pub’s reputation with its neighbours, don’t allow outside circles to become too noisy, e.g. don’t chat in the background when the RA is performing, or go on too long, and leave the pub quietly
It’s great that you talked about how to act in a pub. Recently, my wife and I started to go out every two weeks to a different restaurant or bar. We really enjoyed discovering different types of food, and this weekend we’d like to try a pub out, so we’ll be sure to read your piece carefully. Thanks for the tips on pub etiquette!