Hare – Pope
Members hareing record
Run 1899, Northfields, 8th September 2022
Run 1892 – Thursday July 28th ~ location tbc
Hare – Knickers
Run 1891 – Thursday July 21st ~ location tbc
Hare – Standard Deviant
New West London Hoodies
The new West London Hash Hoodies are now available from our Hash Haberdash Man Magnet, for more details click Here
New West London Hash Hoodies
Prices are now agreed with the printers for WLH3 Hoodies and include the cost of the garment, the West London Logo embroidered on the front left-hand side of the hoodie and the graphic as shown below on the back. If you would like your name printed on the back under Hash House Harriers, this will be an additional £3 to the following:
Ladies Zip Hoodie JH 055 (£25)
Men’s Zip Hoodie JH 050 (£26)
Unisex Pullover Hoodie JH 001 (£22)
The prices are based on a bulk order – to benefit from this Man magnets needs to place an order by mid-October.
If you are interested in purchasing a Hoodie, can you please Contact Man Magnet with the following information:
Garment, quantity, size, colour and what name you would like if you want one and whether you want black or white graphic on the back (your choice and will depend on the colour of the Hoodie you pick). Please see the example below.
Garment Quantity Size Colour Name Graphic Colour
Black or White
Ladies Zip Hoodie JH055 (£25)
1 M Blue (8) Silent K
(Note this is £3 extra) White
Men’s Zip Hoodie JH 050 (£26)
Orange (17) Black
Unisex Pullover Hoodie JH 001 £22 (ladies) Electric Green (19) Black
Unisex Pullover Hoodie
JH 001 £22 (mens) Light Blue (21) Black
When choosing the colour please count from the top row in the samples shown in the garment descriptions below to arrive at the number shown in the examples above as well as the colour.
Indicative sizes related to chest sizes are also shown below.
If you would like to see the garments in more detail, please go to upperandlower.co.uk for the online catalogue for more details. Please note that the prices shown in the pictures below are for one garment only and exclude VAT.
Please pay on line to the WLH3 Bank account or contactless to the Hash Cash when you let me know your order.

Back to Normality
The mismanagement had a virtual meeting on Monday 12 July to review the approach to the regular Thursday night West London runs with the easing of Covid restrictions on the 19 July and they agreed on the following:_
- We will go back to having a circle in the pub with down downs. The Hare should try to get the pub to agree to this, if the pub will not agree then the Hare should try to arrange for a drink stop, a budget of £60 for this will be financed from Hash funds. If we have a circle in the pub the hash cash or other committee member will pay for the down downs.
- Hares should try to agree a bag drop with the pub. If this is not possible they must let the Hare Raiser and weekly email know so that hashers can be warned in advance.
- Advanced Registration for runs is no longer mandatory, however, it as it has proved useful for Haberdash, Hash Cash and providing the Hare with an indicative pack size we will continue to encourage registration and the link will continue to appear in the weekly and on website, so please continue to register if you can.
- We continue to only take card payment for all hash fees, including the weekly run fee for those without annual membership.
- We will revert to the pack starting the run together at 19.15 hours, as it was before the pandemic. Hares should endeavor to keep the pack together by using traditional haring techniques such as checks, false trails and short cuts for walkers, and arrange for checks to marked through after they have been called.
- The Hare raiser must be notified in advance of any special arrangements for the run which vary from the above and these will be announced in the weekly e-mail and on the website ahead of time.
- Runs should start from the pub again unless impractical. The Hare Raiser should be notified in advance if a run is to be an A to B and this will be clearly stated in the weekly email.
- The weekly email announcing runs will continue to be sent at the beginning of the week and any derogation from the above protocols which the pack may need know about should be notified to the West London weekly email address by the Hare by the Monday before the run at the latest.
23 April 2020 – Hare Needed
Run Number – 1808
Run 1799, The Anchor, Clapham, 20th February 2020
This weeks hash was a live hare trail, courtesy of Stevie Blunder. Unfortunately your scribe was not able to attend this event and therefore had to resort to collecting anecdotal reports from those who did attend at the following week’s hash. It is fair to say that the live hare trail received mixed reviews. Many were of the view that it is a great concept that adds variety to our hashing experience, and anyone who could not manage the 5 blobs and you’re on rule was probably a bit dim. Others were of the opinion that the route with its plethora of false trails was confusing and difficult to navigate. The hare was kind enough to provide a trial map which I reproduce below. I leave it to each of you to draw your own conclusions.
Unfortunately the nature of the trail was not the only issue on the night. Once back in the Anchor, the hashers discovered that the pub did not serve anything resembling what they might reasonably expect in terms of drinkable cask ales. Again, not being present myself, I can only speculate as to whether this was due to bad beer management on the part of the landlord, or poor reconnaissance on the part of the hare. Either way, I think it fair to say that WLH is unlikely to be using this pub again in for the foreseeable future.
If anyone has any photos of this event, please feel free to email to wlhashflash@gmail.com for inclusion in this post.