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Run 2000, 1 August 2024 – Richmond

Hare – Knickers

This will be West London’s 2000th run, and it will be from The Lass O’Richmond Hill, 8 Queen’s Road, Richmond TW10 6JJ Map Link. The nearest station is Richmond, on the District Line and Overground lines from Waterloo. The pub is roughly twenty minutes’ walk from the station and there will be a chalk P trail to guide you to the pub, but you can also take the 371 bus from Stop D outside the station to the Richmond Hill/Richmond Gate stop, which is just outside the pub.

The run will start from the pub at 19.15 Hours prompt and there will be secure bag storage there for its duration. This run must start on time and it is recommended that you aim to be at Richmond station by 18.30 hours at the latest, to allow time to get from the station to the pub, stash bags, socialize, buy T shirts, Hare Talk and general faffing before the run. We have the use of the pub garden at the back, please congregate there. If it rains we can use the back of the pub interior.

It will be a shortish run, but with loops for those who who want bit more distance. There will be at least one celebratory drink stop, so you should bring a drinking vessel.

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Run 1947, 10 August 2023 – Chiswick

Hares – Cock Doctor and Cocaine Charlie

The run this week will be from The Pilot, 56 Wellesley Road, Map Link. The nearest station is Gunnersbury, on the Richmond branch of the District Line. Leave by the back entrance of the station (turning right after the barriers) and turn right at the exit from the station to follow the footpath to where it meets Wellesley Road, then turn right; the pub is less than 150 metres on the left. There will be a trail of chalk P arrows from the station to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provide bags storage for it duration.

There will be seasonal drink stop, so you should bring your collapsible cups.

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Run 1928 – 30 March 2023 – Northfields

Hare – Pope

This week’s run will be from Ryan’s, 282 Northfields Avenue, W5 4UB Map Link . The nearest station is Northfields tube, on the Piccadilly Line and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will store our bags for its duration.

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Run 1922 – Thursday 16 February 2023 – Bermondsey

Hare – Love Deuce

This week’s run will be from The Gregorian, 96 Jamaica Road, SE16 4SQ Map Link. There nearest station is Bermondsey tube station on the Jubilee Line and there will be a trail of P arrows from that station to help you find the pub, which is just two minutes walk away. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the Hare has booked a room for us where we can safely store bags for its duration.

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Run 1921 – Thursday 9 February – Richmond

Hare -KMA

This week’s run will be from the The Dukes Head, 42 The Vineyard, Richmond TW10 6AN Map Link. The nearest station is Richmond and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from the back exit of this station, onto Lower Church Road, to help you find the pub. the run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will store our bags for its duration. Bring a torch, and a collapsible plastic cup if you have one, because there will be a drink stop.

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Run 1918 – Thursday 19 January – Kenny

Hare – Kenny

This week’s run will be from the Rack and Tenter, 45 Moorfields, Moorgate, London EC2Y 9AE. Map Link. The nearest station is Moorgate, on the Circle, Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan, and Northern lines. There wil be a trail of chalk P’s from the station to the pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours. There will be a drink stop so please bring a collapsible cup. Please contact the hare if you would be prepared to act as a bag sitter in the pub.

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Run 1917 – Thursday 12 January – Richmond

Hare – Mop

This week’s run will be from the Dukes Head, The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AZ Map Link.  The nearest station is Richmond, tube and mainline, and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from the back exit from this station ,onto Lower Church Road, to help you find the pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will provide an area for us to leave our bags for its duration. Bring a torch, it will be essential, and a collapsible cup, if you have one, because there will be a drink stop.

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Run 1914 – 22 December – Clapham Junction (Battersea)

Hare – No Fore Play

Our last run before Christmas will be from The Candlemaker pub,136 Battersea High Street, SW11 3JR Map Link. The nearest station is Clapham Junction. When leaving the station do so via the Grant road exit, this can only be accessed using the underpass and is on the North side of the station. There will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual 19.15 hours. The pub will provide bag storage.  There will be a drink stop on trail.

On On and a Merry Christmas to you all.


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Run 1913 – Thursday 15 December – Northfields

Hare – Rambo

This run will be from Ryan’s 282 Northfield Avenue W5 4UB Map Link. The nearest station is Northfields Tube on the Piccadilly line and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual time of 19.15 hours and the pub will store our bags for its duration. The run will end back at the pub, the Hare having decided that it is too cold for an A to B. Rambo’s trails tend to be “adventurous” so bring a torch, also a cup as there will be a drink stop.

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Run 1847 – Thursday Sept 16th ~ Ladbroke Grove

Hares – Smart Arse & Charlatan

The run will be from The Eagle, 250 Ladbroke Grove, London W10 5LP map link. The nearest station is Ladbroke Grove Tube on the Circle and Hammersmith & City lines and there will be trail of chalk P arrows from there to help you find this pub. Buses 23, 52, 70, 228 and 295 stop at St. Charles Square very close to the pub. The run will start from the pub at our usual 19.15 Hours. The Hares have arranged bag storage at the pub and a reserved area for the Hash to enjoy the selection of three real ales that the manager has promised will be available, and there will be a drink stop towards the end of the trail. Bring a torch as some of the trail will be off road.

With the lifting of many Covid restrictions registration for West London runs is no longer mandatory but is still encouraged as it gives the Hare an indicative pack size in advance to advise the pub and registration has been useful to the Hash Cash as an aid to keeping stats and collecting subs so if you plan to come on this run please register by clicking on This Link.

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Run 1837 – Thursday 8th July ~ Northfields

Hare – Ryde

Registration is required for all participants in West London runs during the current pandemic. If you plan to come on this run please register ASAP by using This link 

This week’s run will start from The Forester, 2 Leighton Road, Ealing, London W13 9EP map link. The nearest station is Northfields Tube on the Piccadilly Line and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from that station to help you find the pub. It will be a staggered start, runners should start between 18.45 and 19.00 hours, walkers can start any time after 18.30. Runners starting after 18.50 should mark through checks when they are called. The Pub will provide bag storage, speak to the staff about this if the Hare is not available. Please do not start any earlier than the above times as the Hare will be setting the trail alone and it would put her under undue pressure.

There will be drink stop on trail which will not be open before 19.30 hours and the Hare has booked tables for at least 24 Hashers in the public bar of the Foresters for after run drinks. Hashers who would prefer to drink in the open air are free to make their own arrangements with the pub to book a table in their Garden.

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Run 1831 – Thursday 27th May ~ Teddington

Hare – Dunny Penny

Registration is required for all participants in West London runs during the current pandemic. If you plan to come on this run please register ASAP by using This Link.

The trail will start from Teddington Lock, near The Anglers pub, Map Link and there will be a trail of chalk P arrows from Teddington station to guide you to the start point. Start on trail any time after 18.30 hours, the faster you run the later you should start. The trail will be 9 km long with shortcuts. Duration: 50 – 60 mins for runners and about the same for SCBs. There will be a drink stop on trail which will be open from 19:20 hours. The Hare has booked a large number of tables for us in the garden of the Anglers from 20:00 hours, this will be about 5 mins walk from the drink drink stop. Entry to the pub will be via top secret password to be revealed in confidence at the drink stop. 

Tips from the Hare: The trail uses a small area, and is will be very tightly marked to take us through some great terrain. There will be few checks to keep you on the best bits of the area. FOLLOW THE TRAIL MARKINGS – especially important in the first 5km / 30 minutes, if you try to be clever and/or use local knowledge to jump across to runners you see in the distance you will not only miss out on some lovely territory but could end up getting very confused and running round in ever decreasing circle until you disappear up your own bum.

 The drink stop is not the main event, please support our local hospitality industry by attending the pub after the run. The Hare may need to adjust our booking according to how many register, so please register ASAP using the above link, we have re-introduced the field on the registration form to indicate whether or not you plan to come to the pub after the run, please use this.

The Hare will be available on the WLH3 runners on trail Whatsapp group from 18:30 to 20:30 to help out the challenged.

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Thursday 9 April

We cannot of course hold any real Hash runs at the moment, but we will hold another virtual circle this Thursday evening at 20.30 hours . Click on This Link to join in the circle. The meeting will be open from 20.15 hours.

Our hare for the evening will be KMA.

Those of you who have not already installed the Zoom app on your device may wish to Install Zoom in advance, not strictly necessary but might save time on the night. Please observe the following points of etiquette for our Zoom circles.
  • Keep your microphone muted until you wish to speak, otherwise the call will be drowned out by a mush of background noise.
  • If an RA is in evidence, please wait until you are called on to respond before unmuting your mic.
  • If you wish to attract the RA’s attention use the ‘raise hand’ button in Zoom to indicate that you want to speak  (similar to placing your glass on your head in the Circle).
  • If you wish to make a particular point of order to the RA, use the chat feature in Zoom.
  • Seek permission from the RA or session administrator before sharing your screen with the group.

Run 2005 – 29 August 2024 – Holborn

Hare – Standard Deviant

This week’s run will be from the London Welsh Centre, 157-163 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8UE. A p-trail will be marked from Russell Square (Piccadilly Line), which is the nearest station.

The venue will store our bags on the stage behind the curtain, which is in the same hall as the bar, which is effectively secure, if not so strictly speaking.